The Failure of Ecumenicalism
I just returned from an Ecumenical thanksgiving service at the local United Methodist Church (which got me wondering there was a local Divided Methodist Church somewhere). I was not going to go on my own steam, but my cousin was playing in a bell choir performing there. I did not expect a very wonderful experience and I was not dissapointed.
Ecumenicalism as we now know it has failed. It attempts to not offend anyone and succeeds, as most parts of modern culture, in saying absolutely nothing. Rather ecumenicalism should attempt to offend anyone.
The purpose of ecumenicalism cannot be do make everyone enjoy everyone elses company, for the only way to do that is to silence all the parties involved. It must therefore be an attempt to bring back together the separated elements of Christianity. The only way to do this is to dialogue. Soft and worthless comunication make all people soft and worthless. Truly speaking what we believe is the only way to draw people together, if not in union, then in truth.
Veritas est non Tacitas. Truth is not silent. In silence no Truth can be spoken, and as such modern ecumenicalism fails to move toward Christ, who is the Truth itself.
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