I am a recent convert to the Church, having come in Easter 2006. I am a young Catholic who is intending to enter graduate school to study in theology. This blog mostly will not be of a theological nature, but occasionally will drift in that direction.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

What if this worked . . .

So I have a theory and how to turn a flagging/heterodox/problematic parisch around. It's simple, but I have a feeling it would work. It would require slight alteration to certain systems, but I think it could be done.

When the priest is due for a transfer move him out and bring in three monks, one who is a priest. Each and everyday they celebrate Mass together, and each and everyday they hold Liturgy of the Hours. Once a week they hold a Tridentine Liturgy. All of these are open to the parishiners and interested public. The monks spend some of their time outside the church, getting to know the population, inviting them to church.

I have a feeling that one by one the people would come, first those who fished for orthodoxy, then the curious, and soon the other Catholics, and even the non-Catholics, for three people truly living the church would shine like a beacon in the dark mist of secularism.


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