I am a recent convert to the Church, having come in Easter 2006. I am a young Catholic who is intending to enter graduate school to study in theology. This blog mostly will not be of a theological nature, but occasionally will drift in that direction.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A dilema, as it were

When I first arrived on campus three years ago, I met up with some friends from highschool and some of their friends I did not know. This core group was made up mostly of Protestants (of which I was one at the time) and provided a fairly solid Christian background for me.

Over the past couple of years, however, the demographics of this group has changed. A few members of the core are still around, but the breakdown is something like 4 non-Christian couples, 6 non-Christian singles, 1 Christian couple (one is Catholic, though to a varying degree, the other is interested) and three Christian singles. Comes down to: 14 non-Christians, 5 Christians.

So my problem is this: I don't feel myself necissariyl being edified by this group, as a whole. I don't want to completly leave them hanging, but I'm not sure I can, in good conscience, place myself regularly within their meeting.

On the flip side, some of them are interested in the Church, and I am really their only presence to them of Her.

What I'm probably going to do (unless I get a better idea) is decrease my time with them and increase the amount of time I hang out with Catholics. Course, I need you guys to hang out with me in return (it's a two way street here).

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant (as it were), its just been bothering me the last couple of days.


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