I am a recent convert to the Church, having come in Easter 2006. I am a young Catholic who is intending to enter graduate school to study in theology. This blog mostly will not be of a theological nature, but occasionally will drift in that direction.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Bible

So I posted earlier about how, as Catholics, we don't have to worry about if we have the right Bible. Something else came to me yesterday.

Over the past two hundred years, historical criticism has been providing new interpretations of many of the Bible stories, particularly in Genisis. Many of these stories are decent explanations of what the story means, and could conceivable damage someones faith, particularly by inspiring certain heresies.

Once again, as a Catholic, I need not worry. I know the Church has correctly interpreted the meaning of the stories, and no new theory can supplant my belief. I don't need to fight misinterpretations to find who is 'most right' because the Vicar of Christ has provided the answer for me.


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