I am a recent convert to the Church, having come in Easter 2006. I am a young Catholic who is intending to enter graduate school to study in theology. This blog mostly will not be of a theological nature, but occasionally will drift in that direction.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Lately I've been thinking about the idea of love (more in the range of agape than eros) and how it applies to our everday existence. We are to practice Charity at all times and be people of love, loving even those who are unlovable.

In the same way, we must also those who are lovable. The Church, both locally and universally, must be founded on love. If we gather together every Sunday and the love of God is not visible among us both before and afterwards, then something is wrong.

This reminds me of an ancient Latin hymn: "Ubi Charitas, et amore; Ubi Charitas, Deus Ibi est." Where is charity and love, there God is.

Love is the presence of God among us. When we show love to one another we live our Christian vocation. God is revealed more fully to others through the selfless love we exhibit. To claim a the auspices of Christianity without partaking in Love is absurd. It is little more than saying "I think God should be around but I will not work toward that end."

Deus Charitas Est.


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