I am a recent convert to the Church, having come in Easter 2006. I am a young Catholic who is intending to enter graduate school to study in theology. This blog mostly will not be of a theological nature, but occasionally will drift in that direction.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Vocation Information

I tried to make the title rhyme, but it's really only a half rhyme.

I had dinner this evening with Fr. Eric Gilbaugh, one of the diosceses priests in charge of vocations. We talked for a couple of hours and he summed it up as follows: that I was "responsibly open" to the priesthood but was not being called to the priesthood.

I spent about twenty minutes trying to figure out exactly how this changes things. In the end, there are two differences: I am not going to be actively looking at seminary (this may change if God decides to call me) and am I not going to let worries about the priesthood get involved in a realtionship (not that I'm involved in a relationship at the moment, but since it seems God is calling me to marriage that is going to happen at some point. It's a sort-of prerequisite).

All in all, this means little change except peace of mind. It's nice getting to talk to someone for a while about something and having them agree, quite independently, with the conclusion you thought you reached earlier.

So this officially closes my posts on vocation unless something major comes up.

Pax Christi


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